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Muleshoe Area Public Library

Android eReaders Web Guide

Android phones and tablets offer a compelling combination of features and convenience as an eReader:


  • Consumer Reports (MAPL library card required) - search for your device or 'E-book readers Buying Guide'

Read MAPL eBooks on your Android phone or tablet

Download books directly to your device and read them via your preferred app.

What works?

  • EPUB format eBooks
  • Kindle format eBooks
  • Blio format eBooks
  • MP3 format audiobooks

What do you need for OverDrive eBooks?

Return OverDrive eBooks before their expiration date
eBooks returned early via the Android app will disappear from My Account within 5 minutes of their early return

  • Open the title you wish to delete
  • Tap the Menu button
  • Press 'Delete' to display the return options
  • Tap 'Return and Delete'

Known Issues
Kindle format eBooks may not be checked out through Safari for iPhone/iPod Touch.

  • Solution? Checkout your eBooks through a computer or iPad-based browser and sync eBooks afterward to your Android device via the Kindle app for Android.

This is based on the eReaders Web Guides by King County Library System

Location & Hours

322 West 2nd Street
Muleshoe, TX  79347
806 272-4707

Monday- Friday 9:00AM- 6:00PM

Library Catalog
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